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General terms and conditions - Sant Moritz Group loyalty program
Sant Moritz group offers its customers the opportunity to subscribe to the loyalty program, through which they can benefit from discounts on stays in our apartments in Arinsal - Andorra, as well as benefit from exclusive discounts on the rental of ski equipment in stores Esports Sant Moritz.
The general terms and conditions of Sant Moritz Group establish the general conditions of the contract that define the rules that govern below:
1. Definitions
Client: anyone who reserves a room at the Sant Moritz Apartments or Pobladó Apartments.
Partner: Customers who have joined the Sant Moritz Group loyalty program and, therefore, have accepted the general terms and conditions.
2. Conditions of subscription to the program
This program is reserved exclusively for customers who have joined the Sant Moritz Group loyalty program and, therefore, have accepted the general terms and conditions.
The client can subscribe to the program in the following ways:
Any person considered of legal age by the laws in force in their country of residence, or in possession of legal capacity to sign a contract, can subscribe to the loyalty program. Any member who wants to subscribe to the loyalty program is required to have of a valid personal email address. Two partners will not be allowed to share the same email address.
Therefore, the discounts and benefits of the program are considered personal and not transferable to third parties. It is only allowed to apply the discounts offered by the program to the reservations made by the member for their own stay.
By joining the program, members are giving their consent to receive communications via email related to the operation and services offered by the program (informative messages, promotions or offers from Sant Moritz group.)
If you wish to cancel your membership, send us an email to:
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